Gizmo's Lair
Welcome to my page. Below you'll find some pictures of me and my buddy, Ronee.

Here we are. Can you tell which one is me, and which is my buddy, Ronee?

Let's look at the camera again!

Whee! Let me jump on Ronee!

It was kinda dark there. Let's change the angle.

I was kinda blurred there, wasn't I? Well, here's a close up. GRRRR!

Don't worry. I am not going to eat you. I'll just stick with Whiskas. They probably taste better anyways.

What's this? Ah, my buddy.

So tired. I think I'll take a nap.

Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzz

So comfy!

Hmm...Ronee? What is it?

Ok. I'm listening.

You have my full attention. You want me to stay in your room while you work on your book. Sure!

This is a good spot! I think I'll lie down here.


Oh, Ronee. All right, I'll move. I didn't realize I am in the way. Didn't see your laptop behind me there.

The bed is probably more comfy. I'll do my grooming on the bed. Well, you know how cleanliness-conscious I am.

Slurp, slurp.

Got to clean every part of my body.

I'll nap here.

Maybe I'll switch positions.

Hmm, yes. Zzzzzzz...
G:Ronee, where are you going?
R:I'm sorry, Giz. I have to leave.
G:Will you come back?
R:I don't know. I hope so.
G:I'll miss you.
R:Me too.
It wasn't a dream. Or perhaps it was a prophetic dream, because Ronee did leave.
It was a sunny day.
Ronee stroke my head lightly. I stood on the driveway, watching my buddy leave. I felt an emptiness I have never felt before. I will never forget the past year, when Ronee had been there for me. Ronee, my true friend.